Life Changing Self Care Habits.

Self Care Habits That Can Change Your Life.
1. Read Everyday
Research suggests that, Reading books benefits both your physical and mental health and those benefits can last a lifetime.
       To develop a Reading habit;
• Set a Goal 
• Create a Reading list
• Schedule a time for Reading 
• Eliminate distractions
• Keep a Reading Journal 

2. Start your life Handbook
Your Handbook is intended to be your guide to living. It should include anything and everything that is important to living our best lives.
To fill in your handbook:
• Your Life purpose, vision, mission 
• Your values. Your strengths 
• Your improvement areas
• Your long-term and short-term life goals 

3. Get out of your comfort Zone 
Hard work and sweat ate required for true growth. Being too comfortable does not help you grow; rather it causes you to stagnate.
• Face your fears
• Get Out There
• Learn new Skills
• Travel to New places
• Changes to Your Daily Routine 

4. Physical Exercise 
We stay fit by moving.  The body is an excellent source of information, and it constantly communicates what it requires. Taking care of the body in which we live a beautiful of taking care of ourselves and sustaining development.

5. Affirmations
Affirmations are a Powerful tool for expressing our intentions and reminding ourselves of what we value. When you repeat them frequently and believe in them, you can begin to see positive results.
Positive words of Affirmation:
• I am in command of my life
• Today will be a fantastic day 
• I focus on what I want 
• I create my own happiness 

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