
Life Changing Self Care Habits.

Self Care Habits That Can Change Your Life. 1. Read Everyday Research suggests that, Reading books benefits both your physical and mental health and those benefits can last a lifetime.         To develop a Reading habit; • Set a Goal  • Create a Reading list • Schedule a time for Reading  • Eliminate distractions • Keep a Reading Journal  2. Start your life Handbook Your Handbook is intended to be your guide to living. It should include anything and everything that is important to living our best lives. To fill in your handbook: • Your Life purpose, vision, mission  • Your values. Your strengths  • Your improvement areas • Your long-term and short-term life goals  3. Get out of your comfort Zone   Hard work and sweat ate required for true growth. Being too comfortable does not help you grow; rather it causes you to stagnate. • Face your fears • Get Out There • Learn new Skills • Travel to New places • Changes to Your Daily Routine  4. Physical Exercise   We stay fit by movi

The Three Codes by Dr. Charles Awuzie

The Three Codes by Dr. Charles Awuzie This is an insight on basic life lessons. • Who You Marry • Who You Know  • What You Know  Who You Marry: When finding Who to Marry, don’t settle just because she/he satisfies you. Look for the seed of greatness, sound mind, good upbringing and potentials for growth. That what a wise person looks for in a spouse not just physical appearance. Who You Know: This is the Power of Networking. Your network will definitely affect your NETWORTH . It is not only about Who you know but who knows you as well. Find a way to make those you know to also know you. That’s how you get recommendations. What You Know: This is the ‘Code of Knowledge’ , This code attracts people to you because of your special abilities, gifts or skills. People will always dominate, Rule your world.


Intelligence helps us to acquire and apply knowledge to skills. Everyone has unique abilities, but here are different kinds of Intelligence humans possess.  Read through, know yours and develop them. 1. VISUAL INTELLIGENCE: This kind of intelligence with the ability to visualise, remember details of images, interpret pictures, graphs or charts, these kind of individuals recognise patterns easily, they are always aware of their surroundings , they remember information by creating visual pictures, usually Artistic possessing a good sense of direction. 2. LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE: Individuals with Logical intelligence have the ability to think Logically, analyse, and excellently solve problems. Good mathematicians posses logical intelligence. Logical intelligent persons conduct scientific experiments , understand complex and abstract ideas and identify solutions of Logically problems. 3. LINGUISTIC INTELLIGENCE: This is the ability to understand and properl

Business Growth Tips For Enterprenuers.

BUSINESS GROWTH TIPS FOR ENTREPRENEURS. Starting and running a business requires good analytical skills, Discipline, and apt record-keeping. It is important to know the functionalities of your business the risk and rewards. Also, it is of importance to know your competition this will help you identify new market opportunities and improve on successful tactics. Working for yourself requires more sacrifices to ensure growth. Good services and products is important to gain customer loyalty. Dear Business owners, here are some business growth tips. 1. Keep Detailed Records Recording keeping is as important as making profit in business, by so doing you’d know the financial state of your business and difficulties that could arise. Having this knowledge gives headway to create strategies to overcome some business challenges. It is important to keep two kinds of records, one physical and one in the cloud. When your records are constantly uploaded and backed up, you no longer have t

Managing Your Emotions The Right Way

Managing your emotions, the right way. Dominating the capacity to realize the reason why you're feeling a specific way is basic. To raise your mindfulness significantly further, take what you are familiar the way that you feel to direct yourself. For instance, while encountering outrage or disappointment, comprehend the triggers with the goal that you can deal with your feelings to good results. What's more think about this: The best strategy at that point might be to make no move by any means, yet, all things being equal, to hold your tongue. Therapist and top-rated creator Daniel Goleman says this regarding individuals who deal with their feelings well: Sensible individuals - the ones who keep up with command over their feelings - are individuals who can support protected, fair conditions. In these settings, the show is exceptionally low and usefulness is extremely high. Top entertainers rush to these associations and are not well-suited to leave them. Next time y


The tech industry has a lot of terminologies, both the everyday terms and more technical and less used terms. Here are some tech terms you most likely have not come across. 1.   Metadata: Metadata simply means information about information. To further explain, it is data that’s described in something like a web page, document, or file. Metadata is ‘behind-the-scenes’ data that is used in a variety of ways by everyone in every business. Information systems, social media, websites, software, music services, and online retailing all use it. There are around five different types of Metadata and they include: i.    Descriptive Metadata: Descriptive metadata gives information about a digital object’s intellectual content. The resource identifier, which uniquely identifies the object, is the most significant component of descriptive metadata. Title, author, publication date, subject, publisher, and description are some of the other descriptive metadata elements. ii.     Rights M


Here are easy tricks to help boost your self-confidence.  1. Walk Smartly  While walking its important that you, chin up, straighten your back, lift your head up, and move Smartly full of confidence. 2. Talk Slowly   Be quick to Hear and slow to speak. Ensure you aren't rushing your speech while talking. Communicate in the most understanding manner.  3. Accomplish Goals   Set small goals for yourself and try to accomplish them. Go for that training, write that paper, start that business, make that decision. By doing so you will feel accomplished and this will pave the way for achieving bigger goals. 4. Dress Nicely  Dressing Nicely doesn't necessarily mean you have to wear the most expensive clothes. This simply means you should look presentable, when you do, you will most likely feel more confident. 5. Empower yourself with knowledge  Knowledge gives you the ability to know more. Empowering yourself, in general is on